Silva Cravo

Architect concepts into concrete realities.
A architects studio, designs spaces that are both functional and beautiful. They create immersive living and working experiences through a unique blend of architecture, design, urbanism, and landscape with suitability in mind.

To develop a modern and dynamic brand identity for Rodolfo Moura, including a professional website, custom iconography, and illustrations that showcase his expertise in advanced contactology and highlight his success in helping patients recover their vision.

The project required the creation of a unique and compelling visual identity that conveyed Rodolfo Moura's expertise in advanced contactology, while also showcasing his success in helping patients with complex eye problems. This involved designing custom iconography and illustrations, selecting a bold color palette, and developing a user-friendly website with clear and engaging content.

The final output included a modern and professional website featuring a dark blue, fluorescent green, and white color palette, non-serif fonts, and bold letter logo animations. The custom iconography and illustrations effectively represented Rodolfo Moura's specialized services, while the dynamic design highlighted his unique approach to eye care. The website successfully showcased Rodolfo's expertise in advanced contactology, emphasizing his high success rate and dedication to patient satisfaction.

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